The next conference on Mathematical Population Dynamics, Ecology and Evolution will be hold in Marseille (Campus of Luminy), at the CIRM, from April 26th to April 30th 2021.
This conference aims to bring mathematicians interested in applications in ecology and evolution together. This field is increasing very fast, the conference will allow to present some overview on new applications with plenary speakers (2 per day) and to present different research results with short talks (1/2 hour each). Some discussion sessions will allow to initiate or enhance collaborations.
The scope of the conference is outlined by (although not necessarily restricted to) the following topics :
- population dynamics and ecological complexity
- animal movement and dispersal
- biological invasions and spread of epidemics
- collective dynamics and ecological pattern formation
- uncertainty and predictability in ecology
- ecological time series and regime shifts
- agroecology and food security
- models in behavioral ecology
- evolutionary population ecology
- population and quantitative genetics
- evolution of culture and human behavior
- evolutionary game theory
The MPDEE-21 program will consist of plenary talks and contributed talks (30 minutes) and a poster session. The presentations are expected to be mostly grouped around the above subject areas. However, we will be ready and willing to consider any submission of a potentially high scientific merit which does not exactly fall into the list of topics proposed in the Scientific Content section.